Captain Leon

After Training Hours

The Raging Tempest

Full Name: Leon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Midlander Hyur
Ethnicity: Southern Islander/Dalmascan
Height 5' 8" (176 cm)
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Athletic
Father: Loid Eshstar
Mother: Rane of Lamb Island
A young man in his 20s with unruly brown hair and light blue eyes, Leon is most often seen wearing a black bomber jacket with a dark gray V-neck, similarly colored pants with three interconnecting belts, black brimmed boots, and a pair of tightened gloves. He has single silver rings in his left and right ear and wears a dark red bandana around his neck as well as a silver ring on his left hand. The only times Leon isn't wearing this particular outfit, or one of his less common choices is when he's wearing his crimson Maelstrom uniform or SeeD uniform, which he only does if required to.
Gazing at Leon's face will show off his deep blue eyes, defined cheekbones, and rounded jaw. What is also evident is the scar sliced diagonally in between his eyes.A blank expression is held at every glance you give but the young man doesn't seem to be concentrating. more like simply staring into space as if nothing around him grabs his attention.

Profession: Military Officer, Diplomat, Model, and Professional Blitzball Player
Expertise: Swords and Firearms
Nationality: Limsa Lominsa
Languages: Eorzean Common, Native Sea Wolf, Garlean, Ishgardian, Thavnarian, Dalmascan, Bozjan, Doman, Higan
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Engaged
Faith: The Twelve
Moral Alignment: True Neutral
Magical Alignment: Lightning
Some would call Leon a Reserved Mercenary if they had to sum him up but while true, it is not entirely accurate.
Leon is an emotionally reserved individual who often coasts through his life. Not one for secrets he'll explain his thoughts and history if pressed for specific detail but unless you hold authority over him or have earned his respect you will most likely receive his patented shrug with a "whatever" before he walks off on you.
Despite acting stoic and somewhat indifferent the man has been known to act awkward if drawn into casual conversation. Self-admission that he is "bad at small talk." Conversely, there are some instances where he will crack a joke or offer the occasional sarcastic comment. These instances are rare and rely on situational variables few have managed to figure out.
Leon's weapons of choice are often various forms of firearms and short swords. Be them pistols, rifles, canons, or gunblades Leon has tinkered with all forms of projectiles.

Leon and his SeeD Buddies


The Fence Gang

After Training Hours

Modeling: Aya Foxheart Collaboration

Modeling: DRIP IN UL'DAH

Modeling: The Captain’s Regalia

Modeling: Ember Embraced

Blitzball: Limsa Lominsa Barracudas




After Training Hours

First Command

After Training Hours

Then and Now

Battle Buddies

Don't Mess with Valljnar's Tea

After Training Hours

A Night With a Fellow Soldier

Aya and Leon's Shopping Spree


IC =/= OOC
Leon is a calculative and stoic soldier with bouts of social awkwardness. He also enjoys a good fight.
I'm just some guy who likes collecting glams, don't really have an issue holding a conversation, and enjoy reading people's carrds. I avoid confrontation.Leon isn't me and I'm not him.Experience
I've RPed on and off across several MMOs. Despite doing so for years I don't consider myself anything special but I do put in the effort to mirror the post length and quality of those I am with.
I live in the US Eastern time zone.
My schedule is never set in stone.
Though my active hours tend to be between 8 to 11 PM US Eastern
If I'm not online, RP partners can message me on Discord and I'll hop on upon request if I am free.
RP Preferences
I'm usually at my best in sessions involving small groups. I am willing to go to larger events but easily get lost when the chatbox fills with several posts and often find myself not even realizing when someone is attempting to start a conversation with me.
Romance RP
Leon has had strange and uncomfortable experiences when it comes to dating and romance in general. He's not averse to it but it's not something he usually thinks about. Ask the guy out to dinner if you want, he's usually hungry enough to agree to any outing.
18+ Content
I am an adult and I am fine with adult themes such as discussion of sex, death, and violence. Whether or not I am willing to participate in role-play that focuses on these themes depends entirely on the context at hand. When in doubt, just ask.
I enjoy going to venues and when I find fun venues I drag all my friends to them and talk about how cool my experiences are.
Sometimes I volunteer to help out at venues. If you need a bartender, a bouncer, or just a spare hand let me know!


Inability to Say No
Leon is notorious for not being able to resist when his friends drag him along for some adventure or outing. No matter how much he complains, he ends up going to places with loud music, stress-inducing adventures, and unpaid busy work.
This is however limited to people he likes. Most other people barely get a shrug of indifference.
Tavern Regular
Despite having a busy schedule, Leon frequents various taverns across Eorzea. Often to search for work, enjoy a drink, and converse with anyone that feels like bothering him at any given moment.
The Quicksand
Azure Night
The Golden Whisker
The Lounge at Reverie
Fashion Lover
Leon is known to obtain and wear some of the trendiest clothing on the market. Some would almost call it an addiction. Others have confusingly described it as "the drip life". All Leon knows is that he enjoys nice clothes and how he looks in them.

After Training Hours

Semi-connected to the above and mostly connected to the below, Leon has become a literal poster face for The Maelstrom with his personal friend and part-time employer Papaga Yaga having Leon model the latest clothing trends. He'd probably be recognized by others in the modeling industry or those looking at catalogs of the latest fashion.
Military Service
Through luck, clerical errors, or the will of the gods themselves Leon has somehow managed to build a stable military career among The Maelstrom, having several field promotions during the Ilsabard Campaign from Storm Commander Aegileif Volsungwyn for deeds and feats unknown to him.
Despite his claim of ignorance, the man has shown his worth in battles against the Garlean Empire and other threats to Eorzea.Initially, his service was restricted to The Maelstrom's Privateers but he has made strides within the Crimson Fleet as well as serving alongside allied groups such as the Bozjan Resistance, The Dalmascan Resistance, and Thavnir's Radiant Host.
If you're a member of either feel free to recognize the Storm Soldier that seemed rather out of place.
After the End of Days, he was inducted into the Knights of the Barracuda.Mercenary Ties
Before joining the military Leon spent most of his time out on the road or in some tavern with a job board. He made it a point to never stick with one company for too long and he and never turned down a job unless it was blatantly illegal.
Feel free to outright say you've worked with "The Tempest" on one of the larger jobs in the past. Whether it was a good experience or a bad experience is up to you. Leon doesn't pay attention and he's stepped on as many toes as he's made people happy. Offer a high five or a punch to the face. He deserves both!

Active Professions and Contracts=SeeD & Star Garden=
Leon is second in command to the leader of SeeD and acts as a part-time professor to students attending Star Garden.
=Limsa Lominsa Barracudas=
Leon is an active Blitzball player, loyal to his people's team.
=Fashion Model=
Leon is a professional model, who works alongside other models and styles various fashion brands including his own "Bad Guy"
=Music Career=
While not as well known for his other celebrity acts, Leon has been trained by voice coaches and choreographers for stage performances of Eastern music. He is also an aether guitar enthusiast.
=Thaumaturgist's Guild=
While still undergoing aether therapy, Leon is a certified member of Ul'dah's Thaumaturgy Guild and is well-versed in the theory of magical practice.
Former Professions and Contracts
=Marketable H. Asset Class Holdings Inc.=
Waste disposal.
=Lunar Eclipse=
Leon was officially employed at Lunar Eclipse as a bartender.
=The Maelstrom=
Leon is taking a leave of absence from his position within The Maelstrom and a Knight of the Barracuda.

After Training Hours

Maelstrom Military Profile
Name: Leon Tempest
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Lamb Island
Place of Residence: Gridania
Rank: Storm Captain
Unit: Knights of the Barracuda 4th Division
C.O: Storm Commander Aegileif Volsungwyn
Current Posting: On Leave=Commendations=
The Medal of Storms End
Knights of the Barracuda Cord
The Hanged Man's Knot
Storm Captain Pins